A Chance at Happiness
Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella, #2
Reeks: Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella
Meg Osborne
- Elizabeth
- Bennet
- goes
- to
- Kent
- with
- only
- one
- goal
- in
- mind
- -
- to
- ensure
- her
- dearest
- friend,
- Charlotte
- Lucas,
- is
- as
- happy
- with
- her
- marriage
- in
- practice
- as
- she
- was
- in
- theory!Fitzwilliam
- Darcy's
- arrival
- at
- Rosings
- is
- an
- attempt
- to
- placate
- his
- aunt.
- The
- very
- last
- person
- he
- expects
- to
- see
- there
- is
- Elizabeth
- Bennet
- -
- but
- is
- it
- possible
- that
- he
- has
- been
- given
- a
- second
- chance
- at
- happiness,
- if
- only
- he
- is
- wise
- enough
- to
- take
- it?A
- Chance
- at
- Happiness
- is
- a
- sweet,
- regency
- variation
- of
- Jane
- Austen's
- Pride
- and Prejudice.
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