Diary of A Suburban Zombie


Many of these stories are perfect reading for Halloween, but they are also good genre-fits for goths, punks, or those who like the moderate side of horror. The work contains an assortment of vampire bats, angry pumpkins, insatiable zombies, whimsical gods and ill-natured UFOs. These short stories cover the range of paranormal and Halloween-oriented lore. There are mailbox ghosts, unemployed movie monsters and deranged poets taunting the world. The book's evolution has been continual. It first started out as a short pamplet for Halloween poetry readings in the Bay Area; but then, as time went on, more and more stories were added, some that verged on being adult themed. Hence this book has been moved to the adult category (just as a precaution).

The stories range from truly infantile to broadly philosophical to somewhat erotic. None of the works are r-rated or x-rated, but some are more suitable for young adults than others, though, in today's world, the whole thing might get a g-rating anyhow. The book is perfect to bring to Halloween parties as most of the stories were designed to be read aloud at spoken-word readings in under five or six minutes, some are as short as two minutes long. For a voracious reader, the whole thing would take less than an hour to read. (But recently, some longer stories have been added, some up to ten pages; and some of the later works verge on social commentary; and there are overtly anti-PC messages toward the end.) In print format, the work is over a hundred pages now.

Many of the ancient horror-creatures in this book are updated to a modern environment with some of the monsters even having cell phones and jobs to attend to. And while many of the musings are tame compared to violent Hollywood horror flicks, there is still enough blood and violence to placate the restless reader. As the author is more known for his philosophy works than his genre work, the characters do end up musing about the meaning of life and worry about the direction their lives are taking (however, as with real life, most end up failing to arrive at any firm conclusion).

Note: Most of the works in this book originally appeared in poetry form, and this is still the case with the paperback version of the book. The Smashwords version you see here was rewritten entirely for a prose-oriented audience and some of the plots were changed once the strictures of verses were put aside for this special edition.

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