Ethan's Camping Adventure
Melissa Blizzard
- When
- Ethan's
- Sunday
- school
- group
- announces
- that
- their
- entire
- youth
- group
- will
- be
- embarking
- upon
- a
- special
- camping
- adventure,
- Ethan
- knows
- that
- fun
- and
- adventure
- are
- to
- be
- found!
- Join
- Ethan
- as
- he
- joins
- his
- friends
- on
- their
- camping
- adventure.Children
- and
- parents
- alike
- will
- love
- reading
- Ethan's
- Camping
- Adventure.
- Beautifully
- illustrated
- pages
- match
- this
- special
- story
- about
- how
- Ethan
- embarks
- on
- a
- special
- camping
- trip
- with
- his
- friends
- and
- learns
- about
- God's
- dedicated
- words
- of inspiration.