A Path Of Survival
Reeks: A Path Of Survival
Melissa Mercer
- Jessica
- is
- the
- epitome
- of
- survival!Surrounded
- by
- corruption
- and
- violence,
- Jessica
- tries
- desperately
- to
- escape
- her
- plague
- filled
- town.
- She
- longs
- for
- a
- better
- life
- and
- brighter
- future.
- Refusing
- to
- become
- just
- another
- statistic
- among
- the
- infected
- streets
- that
- surround
- her,
- she
- shies
- away
- from
- all
- of
- the
- neighborhood
- boys;
- knowing
- they
- would
- never
- be
- able
- to
- provide
- her
- with
- the
- kind
- of
- life
- she
- desires.Jessica
- found
- out
- he
- hard
- way
- just
- how
- true
- the
- old
- saying
- “be
- careful
- what
- you
- wish
- for”
- really
- is.
- For,
- all
- she
- wanted
- was
- a
- way
- out,
- and
- that’s
- exactly
- what
- she
- got.This
- story
- is
- all
- about
- survival.
- You
- never
- really
- know
- just
- how
- strong
- you
- can
- be,
- until
- you
- simply
- have
- no
- choice.Walk
- along
- Jessica’s
- tear
- jerking,
- action
- packed
- path
- as
- she
- leads
- you
- down
- her
- downward
- spiral
- filled
- with
- mystery,
- suspense,
- adventure,
- corruption,
- betrayal,
- deception,
- friendship,
- rejection,
- laughter
- and
- yes,
- even
- love.This
- is
- a
- touching
- story
- of
- a
- girl’s
- will
- to
- survive.
- Jessica
- simply
- refuses
- to
- give
- up.
- A
- Path
- Of
- Survival
- is
- sure
- to
- leave
- you
- on
- the
- edge
- of
- your
- seat
- while
- reaching
- for
- a tissue.
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