Paleo Diet For Beginners: Easy Recipes
Michael Alexander
- Paleo
- Diet
- For
- Beginners:
- 36
- Delicious
- Recipes
- with
- 7
- Day
- Paleo
- Diet
- Plan
- Is
- for
- Serious
- About
- on
- the
- Paleo
- Diet
- -
- For
- Life!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A
- TIME-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes,
- the
- recipes
- in
- this
- book
- are
- universally
- healthy
- and
- whether
- you’re
- a
- stay-at-home
- Mom,
- an
- elite
- athlete
- or
- a
- busy
- exectutive.Remember:
- when
- you
- consume
- foods
- we
- as
- humans
- have
- evolved
- to
- eat
- and
- you
- cut
- out
- the
- “modern”
- foods
- that
- don’t
- mix
- with
- our
- genes
- and
- DNA...You
- trigger
- a
- wave
- of
- rejuvenation
- throughout
- your
- body
- one
- that’s
- visible
- on
- your
- midsection,
- your
- muscle
- tone,
- skin,
- hair,
- face
- and
- much
- more.This
- is
- just
- one
- reason
- why
- so
- many
- people
- from
- all
- walks
- of
- life
- are
- turning
- to
- the
- Paleo
- diet
- because
- it
- produces
- results
- without
- the
- oppressive,
- tasteless
- foods
- and
- portion
- or
- calorie
- control
- you
- find
- on
- most
- diets.
- IS
- DIET?The
- Paleo
- Diet
- is
- the
- world's
- healthiest
- diet.
- Eat
- wholesome,
- contemporary
- foods
- from
- the
- food
- groups
- that
- our
- hunter-gatherer
- ancestors
- thrived
- on
- during
- the
- Paleolithic
- era,
- or
- Stone
- Age.The
- Paleo
- diet
- is
- not
- just
- another
- fad
- diet;
- it
- is
- the
- diet
- humans
- were
- designed
- to
- eat.
- Also
- known
- as
- the
- Primal
- diet,
- the
- Caveman
- diet,
- and
- the
- Stone
- Age
- diet,
- the
- Paleo
- diet
- focuses
- on
- low-carb,
- high-protein
- meals,
- and
- removes
- all
- processed
- foods.Simply
- put,
- the
- Paleo
- diet
- is
- the
- diet
- that
- humans
- were
- intended
- to
- eat.
- The
- Paleo
- Cookbook
- will
- make
- it
- easy
- to
- start
- your
- Paleo
- journey.Low
- carb,
- high
- protein,
- and
- full
- of
- wholesome,
- natural
- foods,
- the
- Paleo
- diet
- has
- gained
- rapid
- popularity
- for
- those
- who
- truly
- savor
- good
- cooking,
- but
- no
- longer
- want
- to
- be
- weighed
- down
- by
- processed
- or
- unhealthy
- food.
- simplifies
- the
- transition
- into
- the
- Paleo
- lifestyleIncludes
- 36
- simple,
- all-new
- recipes
- for
- delicious
- and
- Paleo-friendly
- breakfasts,
- brunches,
- lunches,
- dinnersContains
- 7
- Day
- Paleo
- Diet
- meal
- plans
- and
- recommended
- readingFeatures
- over
- 40
- Paleo
- color
- photographsHelps
- you
- lose
- weight
- and
- boost
- your
- health
- and
- energy
- by
- focusing
- on
- lean
- protein
- and
- non-starchy
- vegetables
- and
- fruitsAnd
- if
- eating
- foods
- like
- this
- on
- a
- daily
- basis
- wasn't
- enough,
- you'll
- be
- getting
- slimmer...
- more
- energized...
- have
- better
- muscle
- definition...
- sick
- less
- often...
- your
- mood
- will
- be
- better...
- your
- skin
- brighter...
- and
- so
- much
- more!Still
- wondering
- if
- this
- is
- for
- you?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- am
- glad
- I
- bought
- this
- book.
- It
- is
- a
- steal.
- You
- get
- it
- absolutely
- free.
- You
- get
- a
- whole
- bunch
- of
- delicious
- Paleo
- Recipes
- along
- with
- 7
- Day
- Paleo
- Diet
- Plan.
- That
- too
- for
- free!!
- Yikes"
- Allen
- Wood,
- University
- of
- Chicago
- all
- of
- my
- digestion
- issues
- have
- disappeared.
- These
- recipes
- will
- now
- be
- a
- permanent
- part
- of
- my
- life"
- Barry
- Anderson, Sportman