2D to 3D Conversion With SPM (StereoPhoto Maker)
Reeks: Fast Focus Tutorials
Michael Beech
- The
- Fast
- Focus
- Tutorials
- are
- mini-manuals,
- dedicated
- to
- a
- specific
- aspect
- of
- 3D
- (stereo)
- photography.
- They
- are
- available
- only
- as
- downloadable
- ebooks.
- This
- serves
- the
- dual
- purpose
- of
- keeping
- them
- very
- affordable
- while
- minimizing
- their
- impact
- on
- the
- environment.If
- you
- ever
- even
- considered
- converting
- 2D
- images
- to
- 3D,
- now
- is
- the
- time
- to
- give
- it
- a
- try.This
- manual
- is
- focused
- on
- a
- newly
- developed,
- fast
- and
- simple
- 2D
- to
- 3D
- conversion
- method
- that
- uses
- the
- tools
- in
- the
- FreeWare,
- StereoPhoto
- Maker.
- This
- is
- a
- "must
- have"
- technique
- for
- 2D
- to
- 3D
- conversionists.This
- quick
- and
- easy
- technique
- is
- explained
- in
- step-by-step
- detail.Conversion
- of
- 2D
- images
- to
- 3D
- has
- been
- for
- me
- always
- a
- favored
- aspect
- of
- stereography.
- It
- is
- invariably
- a
- source
- of
- great
- pleasure
- to
- see
- a
- 2D
- image
- come
- alive
- in
- 3D,
- especially
- if
- it
- could
- not
- be
- captured
- originally
- in
- 3D
- way.
- Examples
- are;
- a
- treasured
- family
- photo
- such
- as
- the
- final
- image
- of
- the
- Flying
- Fortress
- Bomber
- and
- her
- crew
- before
- it
- was
- shot
- down
- (see
- book
- cover),
- a
- painting
- that
- you
- love,
- or
- a
- photo
- which
- you
- originally
- made
- in
- 2D
- and
- now
- wish
- was
- 3D.Everyone
- who
- sees
- your
- stereos
- will
- be
- saying,“How’d
- you
- do
- that?”Table
- of
- ContentsIntroduction
- to
- 3D
- Conversion
- Software
- New
- Technique
- the
- Program
- for
- Free
- to
- Use
- to
- 3D
- Concept
- with
- the
- Original
- Image
- the
- Images
- to
- Create
- Depth
- the
- Clone
- Brush
- Steps
- Tips
- of
- StepsBONUS
- Feature:
- The
- Stereo
- Photography
- Glossary
- is
- included,
- purpose
- of
- this
- manual
- is
- to
- guide
- you
- through
- the
- process
- of
- using
- the
- simple
- tools
- in
- StereoPhoto
- Maker
- to
- perform
- fast,
- easy
- 2D
- to
- 3D
- conversions.
- Consequently,
- the
- more
- complex
- aspects
- and
- subtleties
- of
- manual
- 2D
- to
- 3D
- conversion
- are
- not
- explored,
- having
- been
- covered
- in
- detail
- in
- Mastering
- 2D
- to
- 3D
- Conversion.This
- tutorial
- also
- contains
- extracts
- from
- two
- books;
- an
- extract
- from
- Super
- Stereo
- 3D,
- expanded
- and
- clarified
- with
- information
- found
- in
- the
- book,
- Mastering
- 2D
- to
- 3D
- Conversion.If
- you
- ever
- had
- any
- desire
- to
- try
- your
- hand
- at
- converting
- a
- 2D
- image
- or
- photograph
- into
- a
- 3D
- stereogram,
- then
- here
- is
- your
- opportunity.
- This
- tutorial
- is
- an
- expanded
- and
- comprehensive
- explanation
- of
- the
- technique
- developed
- by
- Brian
- Wallace
- to
- exploit
- the
- cloning
- capability
- of
- the
- StereoPhoto
- Maker
- software
- to
- easily
- and
- quickly
- convert
- images
- to
- high
- quality
- 3D stereograms.