Human Frontiers
The Future of Big Ideas in an Age of Small Thinking
Michael Bhaskar
- 'A
- fascinating
- book
- .
- .
- .
- Bhaskar
- is
- a
- reassuringly
- positive
- and
- often
- witty
- guide'
- fascinating,
- must-read
- book
- covering
- a
- vast
- array
- of
- topics
- from
- the
- arts
- to
- the
- sciences,
- technology
- to
- policy.
- This
- is
- a
- brilliant
- and
- thought-provoking
- response
- to
- one
- of
- the
- most
- critical
- questions
- of
- our
- age:
- how
- we
- will
- come
- up
- with
- the
- next
- generation
- of
- innovation
- and
- truly
- fresh
- ideas?'
- Suleyman,
- cofounder
- of
- DeepMind
- and
- Google
- VP'Have
- "big
- ideas"
- and
- big
- social
- and
- economic
- changes
- disappeared
- from
- the
- scene?
- Michael
- Bhaskar's
- Human
- Frontiers
- is
- the
- best
- look
- at
- these
- all-important
- questions.'
- Cowen,
- author
- of
- The
- Great
- Stagnation
- and
- The
- Complacent
- Class'Michael
- Bhaskar
- explores
- the
- disturbing
- possibility
- that
- a
- complacent,
- cautious
- civilization
- has
- lost
- ambition
- and
- is
- slowly
- sinking
- into
- technological
- stagnation
- rather
- than
- accelerating
- into
- a
- magical
- future.
- He
- is
- calling
- for
- bold,
- adventurous
- innovators
- to
- go
- big
- again.
- A
- fascinating
- book'
- Ridley,
- author
- of
- How
- Innovation
- WorksWhere
- next
- for
- humanity?
- Is
- our
- future
- one
- of
- endless
- improvement
- in
- all
- areas
- of
- life,
- from
- technology
- and
- travel
- to
- medicine,
- movies
- and
- music?
- Or
- are
- our
- best
- years
- behind
- us?It's
- easy
- to
- assume
- that
- the
- story
- of
- modern
- society
- is
- one
- of
- consistent,
- radical
- progress,
- but
- this
- is
- no
- longer
- true:
- more
- academics
- are
- researching
- than
- ever
- before
- but
- their
- work
- leads
- to
- fewer
- breakthroughs;
- innovation
- is
- incremental,
- limited
- to
- the
- digital
- sphere;
- the
- much-vaunted
- cure
- for
- cancer
- remains
- elusive;
- space
- travel
- has
- stalled
- since
- the
- heady
- era
- of
- the
- moonshot;
- politics
- is
- stuck
- in
- a
- rut,
- and
- the
- creative
- industries
- seem
- trapped
- in
- an
- ongoing
- cycle
- of
- rehashing
- genres
- and
- classics.The
- most
- ambitious
- ideas
- now
- struggle.
- Our
- great-great-great
- grandparents
- saw
- a
- series
- of
- transformative
- ideas
- revolutionise
- almost
- everything
- in
- just
- a
- few
- decades.
- Today,
- in
- contrast,
- short
- termism,
- risk
- aversion,
- and
- fractious
- decision
- making
- leaves
- the
- landscape
- timid
- and
- unimaginative.In
- Human
- Frontiers,
- Michael
- Bhaskar
- draws
- a
- vividly
- entertaining
- and
- expansive
- portrait
- of
- humanity's
- relationship
- with
- big
- ideas.
- He
- argues
- that
- stasis
- at
- the
- frontier
- is
- the
- result
- of
- having
- already
- pushed
- so
- far,
- taken
- easy
- wins
- and
- started
- to
- hit
- limits.
- But
- new
- thinking
- is
- still
- possible.
- By
- adopting
- bold
- global
- approaches,
- deploying
- cutting
- edge
- technology
- like
- AI
- and
- embracing
- a
- culture
- of
- change,
- we
- can
- push
- through
- and
- expand
- afresh.Perfect
- for
- anyone
- who
- has
- wondered
- why
- we
- haven't
- gone
- further,
- this
- book
- shows
- in
- fascinating
- detail
- how
- the
- 21st
- century
- could
- stall
- -
- or
- be
- the
- most
- revolutionary
- time
- in
- human history.
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