In A Facetime World 2035
In A Facetime World 2035, #1
Reeks: In A Facetime World 2035
- The
- year
- is
- 2035.
- We
- are
- now
- living
- In
- a
- FaceTime
- World
- -
- where
- Human
- interactions,
- Relationships
- and
- Events
- mainly
- take
- place
- Online!A
- Story
- about
- what
- the
- Future
- of
- FaceTime
- looks
- like.In
- a
- Facetime
- World
- 2035
- or
- "INAFTW2035"
- is
- a
- story
- that
- takes
- place
- in
- the
- year
- 2035
- and
- is
- about
- how
- in
- 2035,
- FaceTime
- communication
- and
- FaceTime
- Interactions
- have
- far
- surpassed
- Physical
- communication
- and
- Physical
- Interactions
- between
- people
- as
- the
- #1
- form
- of
- communication.This
- Story
- is
- 1stly
- about
- how
- our
- Society
- as
- a
- whole
- has
- fundamentally
- changed
- in
- the
- last
- 15years,
- due
- mainly
- to
- our
- ramped-up
- Love
- of
- FaceTime
- Technologies.From
- the
- way
- we
- Phone-Connect
- with
- each
- other
- using
- FaceTime's
- new
- "Holograph-Projection"
- Phone
- Features,
- to
- how
- we
- Remotely
- Date
- each
- other
- using
- our
- Interactive
- Smart-TVs
- for
- Movie-Nights,
- meeting
- at
- FaceTime-Restaurants
- on
- the
- Meta-Net
- for
- Dinner-Nights
- and
- many
- other
- New
- and
- Exciting
- 2035
- FaceTime
- Activities
- shared
- between
- distant
- friends
- &
- lovers.
- Facetime-Only
- Dating,
- FaceTime
- Hybrid-Travel
- Tours,
- FaceTime-Head&Shirt-Cam
- outings
- FaceTime
- Holograph-Concerts,
- FaceTime
- Holograph-Business
- Meetings,
- FaceTime
- Reading
- Sessions
- FaceTime
- Holograph-Dating,
- whereby
- couples
- Holographically
- attend
- live
- events
- such
- as
- baseball
- games,
- Ballets,
- Comedy-Shows,
- &
- Stage-Plays.To
- innovative
- new
- ways
- of
- offline
- connecting
- with
- our
- online
- connections.And
- as
- well,
- turning
- our
- online
- connections
- into
- offline
- Activity-Partners.All
- shared
- with
- the
- peace
- of
- mind
- that
- our
- FaceTime
- Communications
- are
- protected
- by
- SmartGPS.This
- is
- also
- a
- story
- about
- how
- our
- methods
- of
- "being"
- with
- each
- other
- and
- "being"
- with
- the
- world
- around
- us
- have
- changed
- dramatically
- within
- the
- past
- 15years
- and
- how
- all
- of
- this
- change
- looks
- from
- my
- own
- vantage
- point,
- in
- the
- year
- 2035.WELCOME
- TO
- OF
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