New York, 1988: Welcome to Heroin City
Michael Codella ; Bruce Bennett
- Welcome
- to
- Alphabet
- City,
- Manhattan's
- most
- crime-ridden
- neighbourhood
- with
- murder,
- rape
- and
- violence
- hitting
- record
- levels
- the
- streets,
- fuelled
- by
- a
- drug
- problem
- that's
- got
- the
- city
- by
- the
- throat.
- It
- was
- into
- this
- vision
- of
- hell
- that
- Mike
- Codella
- and
- his
- partner
- Gio
- stepped
- in
- 1988,
- two
- plainclothes
- narcs
- expected
- just
- to
- pull
- a
- few
- street
- arrests
- to
- keep
- statistics
- looking
- good,
- and
- try
- to
- get
- out
- alive.
- But
- Mike
- had
- his
- eyes
- on
- something
- bigger.
- Davey
- Blue
- Eyes:
- local
- kingpin,
- druglord
- and
- stone
- cold
- murderer.
- Just
- one
- drawback
- -
- no
- one
- even
- knew
- what
- he
- looked
- like.
- Fascinating,
- brutal
- and
- told
- with
- a
- furious,
- even
- poetic
- energy,
- Alphaville
- stands
- shoulder
- to
- shoulder
- with
- other
- modern
- true
- crime
- classics
- such
- as
- Serpico,
- The
- French
- Connection,
- Wiseguy,
- or
- David
- Simon's
- Homicide.'Nerve-shreddingly
- real.
- Addictive,
- brilliant
- and
- compelling'
- R.J.
- Ellory,
- bestselling
- author
- of
- A
- Simple
- Act
- of Violence
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