The Bible Creation Account


In past generations the topic of creation was theologically not very important, and ministers of the gospel could simply gloss over it by teaching the saints that God created everything over six days, six thousand years ago. The reason bible teachers could do that, was because knowledge in the earth was limited and there was no real scientific evidence available to challenge that point of view. Today things have changed however, and every day more and more scientific evidence is discovered that completely refutes that view of scripture, thus highlighting the error of that teaching. And so, bible teachers that continue to teach such error by not rightly dividing the word of truth about this subject, do a disservice to the church and young people in particular, because they are the ones confronted with "scientific facts" and theories, that ridicule a literal six day creation account that occurred six thousand years ago. Not all scientific theories and "facts" are correct however, and many are demonstrably false, but even though a lot that is presented as "scientific fact" is in actual fact error, because the church has not been taught correctly what God's word says on the subject, many Christians become confused and some begin to question their faith in God. And so, this book is written to reconcile legitimate scientific facts and theories with what scripture actually teaches about the subjects of the universe, the earth and the origin/history of life.

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