"Two Stories: Supernatural and Psychological Mysteries" comprises (obviously) two stories (approximately 9,700 words) that have elements of the psychological/supernatural mystery/thriller with an admixture of horror.
"A Helping Hand" . . .
When you're a fast-failing organic farmer in New Hampshire, with a known termagant for a wife, an event like this – digging up a human hand in your potato patch – can be devastating to your small profits when the news gets out, especially since that ancient hand has peculiar "qualities." This discovery sets off a chain of inexorable events that lead Leonard Johnson to rash action resulting in a terrible kind of justice. A balance must be restored and a lesson learned.
"Eve's Refusal" . . .
Eve is a nobody – just a dirty, mentally challenged homeless woman who stands on a street corner in her rags and "prophesies." Eve refuses to take advantage of the social programs. She refuses to submit to the medical procedure and the progress monitoring, preferring instead to keep what she has. Eve has an important lesson to teach Andrew Thurston, Director of the Social Equity and Rehabilitation Department, who is determined to help her. And it's a lesson he learns the hard way.