The Quest for Earth continues the adventures of the four teenage heroes in their treacherous mission through space and time in this second book in the Treasure Chasers series. But are they ready to face harsher challenges than ever before?
It’s not about teams anymore, it’s about survival. As the boundaries disintegrate between the pairs, new relationships are built and new revelations are uncovered. But their newfound bond was never part of the plan, and the Praeceptori are watching closer than ever, pulling strings to reach their nefarious goals. Now that the rules are changing, will they be able to face The Calling and finally become Legends?
The Quest for Earth asks the following questions: how far would you go in order to ensure your own survival in a world where ethics and honor are no longer necessarily the directing guidelines of society? Which sacrifices and compromises are you prepared to make for the greater good? Which battles are you prepared to lose in order to win the war?