No Time Like the Future
An Optimist Considers Mortality
Michael J. Fox
- moving
- account
- of
- resilience,
- hope,
- fear
- and
- mortality,
- and
- how
- these
- things
- resonate
- in
- our
- lives,
- by
- actor
- and
- advocate
- Michael
- J.
- Fox.The
- entire
- world
- knows
- Michael
- J.
- Fox
- as
- Marty
- McFly,
- the
- teenage
- sidekick
- of
- Doc
- Brown
- in
- Back
- to
- the
- Future;
- as
- Alex
- P.
- Keaton
- in
- Family
- Ties;
- as
- Mike
- Flaherty
- in
- Spin
- City;
- and
- through
- numerous
- other
- movie
- roles
- and
- guest
- appearances
- on
- shows
- such
- as
- The
- Good
- Wife
- and
- Curb
- Your
- Enthusiasm.
- Diagnosed
- at
- age
- 29,
- Michael
- is
- equally
- engaged
- in
- Parkinson’s
- advocacy
- work,
- raising
- global
- awareness
- of
- the
- disease
- and
- helping
- find
- a
- cure
- through
- The
- Michael
- J.
- Fox
- Foundation
- for
- Parkinson’s
- Research,
- the
- world’s
- leading
- non-profit
- funder
- of
- PD
- science.
- His
- two
- previous
- bestselling
- memoirs,
- Lucky
- Man
- and
- Always
- Looking
- Up,
- dealt
- with
- how
- he
- came
- to
- terms
- with
- the
- illness,
- all
- the
- while
- exhibiting
- his
- iconic
- optimism.
- His
- new
- memoir
- reassesses
- this
- outlook,
- as
- events
- in
- the
- past
- decade
- presented
- additional
- challenges.In
- No
- Time
- Like
- the
- Future:
- An
- Optimist
- Considers
- Mortality,
- Michael
- shares
- personal
- stories
- and
- observations
- about
- illness
- and
- health,
- aging,
- the
- strength
- of
- family
- and
- friends,
- and
- how
- our
- perceptions
- about
- time
- affect
- the
- way
- we
- approach
- mortality.
- Thoughtful
- and
- moving,
- but
- with
- Fox’s
- trademark
- sense
- of
- humor,
- his
- book
- provides
- a
- vehicle
- for
- reflection
- about
- our
- lives,
- our
- loves,
- and
- our
- losses.Running
- through
- the
- narrative
- is
- the
- drama
- of
- the
- medical
- madness
- Fox
- recently
- experienced,
- that
- included
- his
- daily
- negotiations
- with
- the
- Parkinson’s
- disease
- he’s
- had
- since
- 1991,
- and
- a
- spinal
- cord
- issue
- that
- necessitated
- immediate
- surgery.
- His
- challenge
- to
- learn
- how
- to
- walk
- again,
- only
- to
- suffer
- a
- devastating
- fall,
- nearly
- caused
- him
- to
- ditch
- his
- trademark
- optimism
- and
- “get
- out
- of
- the
- lemonade
- business
- altogether.”Does
- he
- make
- it
- all
- of
- the
- way
- back?
- Read
- the book.
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