Sebastian, a seminary school dropout, returns to his hometown of Dark Hills, Florida, to find his estranged brother, Elijah, who is obsessed with blaming the prominent Meszaros family for the murder of his parents, seven years prior. He claims they are vampires, but his quest for proof leads him down a dark path from which there is no salvation. Sebastian had given his grief to God, but his faith is put to the test as he and Elijah’s allies are hunted by biker-ghouls and shadow creatures, spawns of the Bone Valley Vampires, bent on protecting their bloodthirsty lifestyle. Orchestrating the murder and mayhem, an ancient evil lies entombed in the phosphate bed beneath a reclaimed open-pit mine, plotting its resurrection to again enslave humanity for its blood sustenance. The brothers, once torn apart by grief, are now bound by opposing light and dark forces to do battle against the vampire god, Neferkare, and save the world.