Extreme Survival
Lessons from Those Who Have Triumphed Against All Odds
Michael J Togias
- Witness
- True
- Resilience
- in
- These
- Incredible
- Survival
- Stories“Michael
- Tougias
- converts
- the
- wisdom
- of
- survivors
- into
- advice
- we
- can
- all
- use...”
- —Amanda
- Ripley,
- bestselling
- author
- of
- The
- Unthinkable:
- Who
- Survives
- When
- Disaster
- Strikes—and
- Why#1
- New
- Release
- in
- Disaster
- ReliefExtreme
- Survival
- will
- have
- you
- on
- the
- edge-of-your-seat
- with
- truly
- amazing
- survival
- stories.New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- Michael
- Tougias
- has
- earned
- critical
- acclaim
- and
- literary
- awards
- for
- his
- many
- best-seller
- non-fiction
- narratives.
- Extreme
- Survival
- is
- the
- long-awaited
- follow-up
- to
- The
- Finest
- Hours,
- co-authored
- with
- Casey
- Sherman.Explore
- the
- stories
- and
- the
- causes
- of
- manmade
- disasters.
- To
- answer
- the
- question
- of
- why
- disasters
- happen
- and
- how
- some
- survive,
- Tougias
- interviewed
- over
- 100
- people
- who
- survived
- against
- all
- odds,
- first
- chronicling
- their
- harrowing
- survival
- stories,
- and
- then
- discussing
- in
- detail
- lessons
- learned.
- Extreme
- Survival
- delivers
- the
- entertainment
- and
- exceptional
- research
- Michael
- Tougias
- fans
- expect.Understand
- resilience
- through
- the
- mindset
- of
- survivors.
- Surviving
- disasters
- requires
- survival
- techniques
- to
- kick
- in
- at
- the
- right
- moment.
- Learn
- what
- a
- person
- is
- capable
- of
- when
- under
- extreme
- pressure
- and
- facing
- imminent
- disaster.Inside
- find:If
- you
- like
- true
- survival
- books
- like
- The
- Greatest
- Survival
- Stories
- of
- All
- Time,
- Into
- Thin
- Air,
- The
- Gift
- of
- Fear,
- Into
- the
- Abyss,
- Deep
- Survival,
- or
- If
- I
- Live
- Until
- Morning,
- you’ll
- love
- Extreme
- Survival.
- Also
- don’t
- miss
- reading
- other
- Michael
- Tougais
- survival
- books,
- including
- Fatal
- Forecast,
- Ten
- Hours
- Until
- Dawn,
- A
- Storm
- Too
- Soon,
- and Overboard!
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