Play Easily on Piano and Keyboards


Every year few millions of Americans start to study music. After one year 80% of them stop this studying. They are not talented enough? But what they are studying for whole year long. All music theory can be delivered for 30 minutes (even less). Of course not everyone can remember it at once. These pupils do not read the books on music? There are so many books on music theory.
As a lot of people we studied music at schools. Did someone catch enough to play? We can not say yes on this question. Afterwards we learn to play using different books and manuals. These papers promised many good things but that was sort of suffering to learn to play. By trial and error we have figured out quite enough information which can eliminate this suffering. So we decided to write a book if we could read one we would not get through difficulties for many years long.
In this book we tried to explain the origin and fundamental properties of music. We named this as anatomy of music because we tried to dive in the depth of it. We deliver it in historical and logic succession demonstrating it on examples for playing piano and keyboards.
We deliver music theory quite completely trying to eliminate confusing terms.

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