The Damnation Chronicles

Book of Shadows, #3.5

Reeks: Book of Shadows


Three short companion stories to the bestselling Book of Shadows series are collected here in one spine-chilling volume. What drove Rebecca Hale to sell her soul to the Devil on the eve of her hanging for witchcraft? How did Abigail Jacobs come to possess her powerful Book of Shadows? What happened the night of Anna Jacobs' first ghost-hunt? The answers to these mysteries are all here.

A Firebrand of Hell: Salem is ablaze with dreadful talk of witchcraft. The village girls have fallen into fits—shrieking in agony, writhing on the floor, contorting themselves into grotesque poses. Reverend Parris proclaims them tormented by witchcraft and soon the accusations begin. Fear imbues every whisper. Suspicions are rampant. Neighbours cast sidelong glances at each other. Some say the Devil himself has come to Salem.

It's only a matter of time before they come for the notorious Rebecca Hale.

The Witch of Gallows Hill: Seven years after the tragic All Hallows' Eve that changed her life forever, Abigail Jacobs braves Salem's haunted Northern Woods in search of the lost spell-book of the witch of Gallows Hill. But she soon discovers the dead won't give up what is theirs without a fight.

What will Abigail be willing to sacrifice to claim the mysterious Book of Shadows?

The Haunting of Siren's Inn: The murderous spirit of a jilted lover returns every seven years to haunt the Siren's Inn and relive the night of his bloody crimes. While a winter Northeaster ravages the seaside hamlet of Gloucester, ghost-hunting occultist Abigail Jacobs and her daughter, Anna, have only one chance to lay his malevolent spirit to rest before he claims another victim. But the old inn is full of secrets, and nothing is as it seems.

Their survival is left in Anna's hands, and it won't come without a price.

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