Aurealis #142


Our July issue has landed, and it brings you some absorbing, compelling and thought-provoking reading, with the tender and touching ‘The Martian Diary’ from Stuart Bullock, the delightful and surprising ‘The Gene Witch and the Orchard’ from Phil Dyer and the choice worldbuilding of ‘Access Denied’ from Baden Chant. Our non-fiction features Claire Fitzpatrick’s deep dive into Anne Rice’s Science Fiction and Lachlan Walter’s robust exploration of cannon, continuity and creativity. This issue’s stunning internal art comes from Joel Bisaillon, Rebecca Stewart and Hannah Dunn, while our Reviews section is jam-packed with books to ad to your TBR list. We’ve also added a new feature where we introduce the people behind all this wonder, the hard-working Aurealis team. This month, it’s Eugen Bacon, our Reviews Manager. Aurealis: we bring you many worlds.

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