In the third epic installment, our heroes find the origin to the "Yellow-Eyed Disease". Together, with the help of the Astraseeker, Arcadia, track down an unknown creature harnessing the power of Radiatons. Confronted by Niklauseh and Ginger Susanoo, the creature unexpectedly steals some of the planet's Aurorions! With the world slowly decaying and an unknown creature walking the lands, what will The Rostical Guild do?
Luna and Destiny further heighten their Soul Link and obtain many new abilities. Guild members share sensitive information about themselves and open up, allowing the potential to Hi-Ougi with each other!
Twortz, under the direct orders of the Consultant, tracks and finds The Last Unknown Territory, discovers the mystery behind them and its secrets! Everything seemed to be going smoothly, until the moment Twortz was suddenly confronted by the very person she hates!! How will her tale end? And who could it be?
From people made of paper, to twins creating a new element of mist-like fire, the revelation of the final villain and familiar faces from The Rostical User series, this will be a delicious tale to read! Many questions answered and many more to be explained, read to find out!