- Maxie's
- in
- trouble!
- Again.
- Only,
- this
- time
- it's
- serious.
- Driving
- a
- stolen
- Ferrari
- Testarossa
- off
- a
- motorway
- flyover
- at
- something
- approaching
- Mach
- 1,
- with
- the
- police
- in
- hot
- pursuit,
- is
- no
- way
- to
- make
- old
- bones.
- But
- it's
- child's
- play
- to
- what
- follows.For
- Maxie,
- small-time
- thief
- and
- general
- low-life,
- has
- crashed
- into
- the
- Spiral,
- a
- strange
- whirlpool
- of
- time
- and
- space,
- where,
- it
- seems,
- almost
- anything
- can
- happen,
- and
- anyone
- appear.The
- two
- Elizabethan
- alchemists,
- for
- instance,
- who
- are
- convinced
- that
- Maxie
- can
- help
- them
- with
- their
- magickal
- endeavours.
- And
- the
- swashbuckling
- band
- of
- spectral
- pirates
- who
- promise
- Maxie
- power
- and
- riches
- beyond
- his
- wildest
- dreams
- -
- if
- only
- he'll
- join them.
pro-mbooks3 : libris