Great Business Emulates a Good God
Michael Surowiec, Ph.D
- This
- research
- involved
- a
- case
- study
- of
- six
- profitable
- companies:
- Hobby
- Lobby,
- Chic-Fil-A,
- Tyson
- Foods,
- Ford
- Motor
- Company,
- Google,
- and
- The
- Walt
- Disney
- Company.
- Each
- company's
- culture
- was
- categorized
- as
- either
- Christian-focused,
- faith-friendly
- or
- faith-neutral
- and
- the
- findings
- compared
- with
- the
- attributes
- of
- the
- Triune
- God.
- Each
- case
- study
- then
- analyzes
- each
- company's
- cultural
- core
- values,
- beliefs,
- and
- norms
- and
- compares
- their
- compatibility
- with
- the
- Triune
- God's
- economic
- and
- ontological
- attributes
- in
- relationship
- with
- humanity.
- The
- research
- then
- identified
- the
- two
- most
- prominent
- cultural
- values
- found
- in
- all
- six
- companies
- that
- emulate
- the
- Triune
- God
- and
- when
- effectively
- implemented
- produced
- the
- greatest
- impact
- throughout
- the
- organization
- and
- business
- community.This
- study
- also
- argues
- for
- the
- perspective
- that
- business
- is
- a
- ministry,
- a
- calling
- to
- serve
- God
- and
- participate
- in
- his
- mission
- of
- bettering
- the
- lives
- of
- others
- via
- multiple
- means.
- Further,
- the
- dynamics
- of
- the
- relationship
- between
- the
- Triune
- God
- with
- humanity
- openly
- demonstrates
- the
- standard
- of
- good
- business
- practices
- to
- follow.Overall,
- this
- research
- will
- help
- one
- to
- better
- understand
- the
- workings
- of
- God,
- Church,
- and
- Faith
- as
- being
- integrated
- into
- everyday
- life
- as
- the
- ideal
- model
- worth
- pursuing
- for
- a
- greater
- business
- impact
- in
- the
- community
- and
- one's
- fulfillment
- in
- life's
- adventurous journey.