Observations, Questions, and a few Answers


My 8th book, whoever saw that coming eight years ago when Random Thoughts of a Stupid Man was released? I am thankful that Jansina and the staff at Rivershore Books has shown the faith and courage to publish a book for me again.

If you are wondering, this book is a follow up to Retirement Sucks! and falls in line with the Stupid Man themed books. You might even think that I have grown a little wiser as you read this one. Don’t be fooled! Never fall in love with the hype.

Observations, Questions, and a few Answers is set in my post-retirement phase. I attempt to navigate my way through living in Minnesota/Iowa, my new job, coaching, and life during the COVID Pandemic. Takes place in 2019–2020.

The title is exactly what you get. Several observations, a lot of questions and occasionally I pop an answer. I repeat, occasionally! Please enjoy the read. If you like this book or any of my others, please recommend to a friend. Be healthy and Hopeful!

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