Goddess of Death
Reeks: Murder Room
Michael Underwood
- In
- the
- fourth
- Rosa
- Epton
- mystery,
- Underwood's
- protagonist,
- whom
- Mystery
- Magazine
- declared
- 'one
- of
- mystery
- fiction's
- most
- talented
- attorneys',
- is
- called
- upon
- to
- defend
- the
- scapegrace
- younger
- brother
- of
- an
- acquaintance.Then
- the
- acquaintance
- himself
- is
- murdered,
- his
- skull
- crushed
- with
- a
- statuette
- of
- the
- Indian
- goddess
- Lakshmi,
- and
- Rosa
- must
- divide
- her
- time
- between
- manipulating
- a
- magistrate
- smitten
- with
- her
- charms
- and
- divining
- the
- culprit's identity.
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