Sustainably Delicious
Making the World a Better Place, One Recipe at a Time: A Cookbook
Michel Nischan ; Mary Goodbody
- More
- than
- any
- other
- chef
- at
- work
- today,
- Michel
- Nischan
- creates
- sophisticated,
- modern
- food
- by
- embracing
- the
- food
- tenets
- of
- the
- past:
- Use
- what's
- readily
- available,
- celebrate
- variety,
- respect
- the
- land,
- and
- eschew
- waste.
- Whether
- it's
- explaining
- the
- virtues
- of
- secondary
- meat
- cuts,
- which
- fish
- are
- in
- least
- danger
- of
- overfishing,
- or
- how
- heritage
- bean
- and
- grain
- varieties
- help
- to
- support
- biodiversity
- as
- well
- as
- healthy
- diets,
- Sustainably
- Delicious
- proves
- that
- the
- most
- satisfying
- food
- comes
- from
- a
- passionate
- respect
- for
- America's
- culinary
- and
- environmental
- legacy.Many
- of
- the
- recipes
- reflect
- Nischan's
- Midwestern
- roots
- and
- the
- innate
- frugality
- that
- dictated
- his
- family's
- meals
- be
- made
- with
- humble,
- seasonal
- ingredients.
- In
- Nischan's
- confident
- hands,
- simple
- foods
- such
- as
- barley,
- celery
- root,
- and
- eggs
- shine.
- With
- recipes
- such
- as
- Heirloom
- Beet
- Salad
- with
- Savory
- Marshmallows,
- Tomato
- Rice
- Soup
- with
- Braised
- Beef
- Shanks,
- and
- Leg
- of
- Pasture-Raised
- Lamb
- Stuffed
- with
- Chestnuts
- and
- Dried
- Cranberries,
- Nischan's
- approach
- to
- farm
- table
- cuisine
- is
- anything
- but precious.
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