Questions of Travel
A Novel
Michelle de Kretser
- Laura
- Fraser
- grows
- up
- in
- Sydney,
- motherless,
- with
- a
- cold,
- professional
- father
- and
- an
- artistic
- bent.
- Ravi
- Mendis
- lives
- on
- the
- other
- side
- of
- the
- globe
- --
- exploring
- the
- seductive
- new
- world
- of
- the
- Internet,
- his
- father
- dead,
- his
- mother
- struggling
- to
- get
- by.Their
- stories
- alternate
- throughout
- Michelle
- de
- Kretser's
- ravishing
- novel,
- culminating
- in
- unlikely
- fates
- for
- them
- both,
- destinies
- influenced
- by
- travel
- --
- voluntary
- in
- her
- case,
- enforced
- in
- his.With
- money
- from
- an
- inheritance,
- Laura
- sets
- off
- to
- see
- the
- world,
- eventually
- returning
- to
- Sydney
- to
- work
- for
- a
- publisher
- of
- travel
- guides.
- There
- she
- meets
- Ravi,
- now
- a
- Sri
- Lankan
- political
- exile
- who
- wants
- only
- to
- see
- a
- bit
- of
- Australia
- and
- make
- a
- living.
- Where
- do
- these
- two
- disparate
- characters,
- and
- an
- enthralling
- array
- of
- others,
- truly
- belong?
- With
- her
- trademark
- subtlety,
- wit,
- and
- dazzling
- prose,
- Michelle
- de
- Kretser
- shows
- us
- that,
- in
- the
- 21st
- century,
- they
- belong
- wherever
- they
- want
- to
- and
- can
- be
- --
- home
- or
- away.
- "It
- is
- not
- really
- possible
- to
- describe,
- in
- a
- short
- space,
- the
- originality
- and
- depth
- of
- this
- long
- and
- beautifully
- crafted
- book."
- --
- A.S.
- Byatt,
- The Guardian
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