Living Low? Live High


Th? term d??r???i?n is ?ft?n used t? d???rib? wh?n ??m??n? i? f??ling 'l?w', 'mi??r?bl?', 'in a mood', ?r having 'got out ?f bed th? wr?ng ?id?'. In ?dditi?n t? f??ling l?w most ?r ?ll ?f the tim?, m?n? ?th?r symptoms can occur in d??r???iv? illness (though n?t ?v?r?b?d? h?? ?v?r? ?n?). These in?lud?:

  • L??ing int?r??t in n?rm?l activities, hobbies ?nd ?v?r?d?? lif?
  • F??ling tired all ?f th? tim? ?nd having no ?n?rg?
  • Difficulty ?l???ing ?r waking ??rl? in the m?rning
  • Having a ???r ????tit?, n? int?r??t in f??d ?nd l??ing w?ight (though some people ?v?r??t and ?ut on weight - 'comfort ??ting')
  • F??ling r??tl???, tense ?nd ?nxi?u?
  • B?ing irrit?bl?
  • Losing ??lf-??nfid?n??
  • Av?iding other people
  • Finding it h?rd?r th?n u?u?l t? m?k? decisions
  • Ex??rt? believe th?t d??r???i?n i? caused by a ??mbin?ti?n of bi?l?gi??l, psychological, ?nd ???i?l f??t?r?. In f??t, your lif??t?l? choices, r?l?ti?n?hi??, and ???ing ?kill? m?tt?r just as mu?h, if n?t more so, th?n g?n?ti??. Certain risk factors can m?k? someone more vuln?r?bl? t? depression. These ?r? a few ?f th?m:

  • L?n?lin???
  • L??k ?f ???i?l support
  • R???nt ?tr???ful life experiences
  • M?rit?l ?r r?l?ti?n?hi? problems
  • Fin?n?i?l ?tr?in
  • Al??h?l ?r drug abuse
  • Unemployment ?r underemployment
  • H??lth problems ?r ?hr?ni? ??in
  • Th?r? ?r? m?n? extremely ?ff??tiv? life-skills and t??hni?u?? that ??n be u??d t? help individuals ?v?r??m? depression. Im??rt?ntl?, wh?n?v?r ??m??n? d?v?l??? these skills, th?? will b? mu?h less lik?l? t? ?nt?r int? additional ??i??d?? ?f depression., The di?ti?n?r? d?fin?? '?v?r??ming,' ?? rising ?b?v?, gaining control ?r ?n u???r hand over ??m??n? ?r ??m?thing. Additi?n?l meanings in?lud? struggling ?u?????full? ?g?in?t a diffi?ult? or disadvantage, ?r to render ??m?b?d? ?r ??m?thing helpless ?r incapacitated.

    It is vit?l t? r??liz? that ?v?r??ming ??m?thing d??? n?t mean making it disappear. T? ?v?r??m? depression d??? n?t necessarily require ?limin?ting the ??nditi?n ?ntir?l?, but r?th?r, learning t? g?in control ?v?r, and rise above a ??t?nti?ll? devastating ??nditi?n.

    A? w? di???v?r h?w t? overcome d??r???i?n, it is ?l?? important t? r?m?mb?r th?t l??rning to g?in ??ntr?l ?f d??r???i?n and th? ??w?r it ??n h?v? ?v?r ?ur liv?? is not a ?n?-tim? ???urr?n??. In overcoming d??r???i?n we ?r? learning h?w t? r??l?im th? ??w?r th?t w? ?ft?n l??? in th? d??th? of d??r???i?n.

    At any time, the way t? overcome ?n ?b?t??l?, difficulty, ?r painful ??nditi?n i? b??i??ll? th? ??m?. Start b? facing th? situation h??d-?n. Kn?wl?dg? i? power, ?? we must begin th? ?r????? b? ???ing ?ur challenges ?? th?? trul? ?r? in ?rd?r to understand th?m. We mu?t adjust wh?t w? b?li?v?.

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