Space Recall: Star Warriors
Reeks: Star Warriors - Science Fiction Adventure
Mikey Robert Simpson
- Space
- Recall
- is
- book
- 2
- of
- the
- Star
- Warriors
- Sci-Fi
- adventure
- book
- series.
- Mars
- Magellan
- is
- caught
- up
- in
- the
- Inter
- Galactic
- Exploration's
- decision
- to
- recall
- personnel
- from
- all
- corners
- of
- the
- universe.
- The
- closure
- of
- space
- station
- Maverick
- does
- not
- go
- according
- to
- plan
- when
- a
- new
- commander
- arrives
- to
- plunge
- the
- mission
- into
- chaos.
- the
- full
- instalment
- of
- the
- novel
- in
- these
- gripping
- ebooks:
- Book
- 1
- -
- Spaceboy
- Mars,
- Book
- 2
- -
- Space
- Recall,
- Book
- 3
- -
- Space
- Refugees,
- Book
- 4
- -
- New
- World,
- Book
- 5
- -
- The Uprising