In a world where freedom is a distant dream and survival is a daily battle, Hana and her grandfather's escape from famine-ravaged North Korea leads them on a perilous journey through China, where every step could mean the difference between life and death.
In 1995, Hana and her grandfather flee North Korea, devastated by famine that has claimed a million lives. Their dangerous journey to China is fraught with the risk of capture and deportation, with the looming threat of China regaining control of Hong Kong adding urgency to their escape.
Guided by Lù kè, a Tiananmen Square massacre survivor, they traverse China from Dandong to Hong Kong, facing immense challenges and discovering profound truths about freedom and faith.
Wandering Swallow is a gripping adventure that explores Chinese historical fiction and Christian themes. Winner of the Florida Christian Writers Sonshine Award for Middle Grade Reader, First Place, and a Finalist for Serious Writer Writer of the Year in 2023, this middle grade adventure story combines inspirational and realistic fiction elements, offering a powerful narrative about overcoming adversity and understanding freedom.