U.S. Snipers in the War on Terror
Milo S. Afong
- In
- the
- War
- on
- Terror,
- there
- are
- no
- set
- battles.
- The
- fanatical
- enemy
- adheres
- to
- no
- warrior
- code
- or
- international
- law.
- Their
- only
- desire
- is
- to
- kill—or
- be
- killed.That’s
- where
- the
- snipers
- of
- the
- U.S.
- Marines,
- Army,
- and
- Navy
- come
- in
- .
- .
- .Here,
- in
- their
- own
- words,
- are
- the
- compelling
- true
- stories
- of
- the
- snipers
- whose
- sole
- purpose
- is
- to
- eliminate
- the
- enemy
- with
- a
- single
- bullet.
- From
- Iraq
- to
- Afghanistan,
- this
- is
- life
- and
- death
- as
- seen
- through
- the
- scope
- of
- a
- high-powered
- rifle.These
- snipers’
- stories
- illustrate
- the
- mental
- discipline
- and
- psychological
- strength
- that
- they
- must
- possess
- to
- accomplish
- their
- missions,
- the
- effect
- a
- sniper’s
- skill
- and
- reputation
- has
- on
- the
- enemy,
- and
- how
- they
- deal
- with
- the
- stark
- reality
- of
- their
- work
- after
- the
- target
- is
- neutralized—and
- after
- a
- sniper
- returns
- to
- civilian
- life.Part
- wartime
- chronicle,
- part
- psychological
- exploration
- of
- the
- warrior
- mind,
- and
- part
- exposé
- into
- a
- secretive
- brotherhood
- of
- military
- snipers,
- Hunters
- is
- a
- must-read
- for
- anyone
- who
- wants
- to
- learn
- the
- truth
- about
- war
- when
- it’s
- fought
- one
- kill
- at
- a
- time.Includes photographs
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