- The
- novel
- that
- made
- Milwaukee
- Chemically
- High!
- Right
- out
- of
- the
- superstitious
- backwoods
- of
- Wisconsin
- drinking
- establishments.This
- novel
- will
- make
- you
- cry,
- laugh,
- join
- a
- cult,
- runaway
- from
- home,
- afraid
- to
- drive
- through
- Wisconsin,
- and
- even
- paranoid
- to
- look
- at
- a
- map
- of
- Wisconsin.
- Sit
- around
- with
- your
- friends
- and
- laugh
- reading
- this
- novel
- of
- satire,
- wit,
- romance,
- buffoonery,
- comedy,
- drunkenness,
- debauchery,
- lunacy,
- sexual
- addiction,
- and
- intrigue.
- Read
- and
- learn
- how
- drunken
- revelry
- turns
- into
- bursts
- of
- enlightenment,
- as
- know
- it
- all
- tavern
- patrons
- discuss
- politics,
- poetry,
- philosophy,
- literature,
- religion,
- history,
- and
- esoteric
- wisdom.
- A
- book
- for
- the
- ages
- to
- conquer
- depression
- through
- an
- abundance
- of
- screaming
- laughter.
- This
- novel
- is
- better
- than
- prescription
- Prosaic,Zoloft,or
- even
- California
- supplied
- government weed.
pro-mbooks3 : libris