Overcoming the Impossible - A Life of Trials and Triumphs
Monica Gartner
- Monica
- faces
- a
- constellation
- of
- meteoric
- challenges
- crashing
- in
- upon
- her
- daily.
- The
- lifelong
- burden
- of
- her
- physical
- limitations
- is
- outwardly
- evident
- to
- all.
- They
- are
- unmistakable.
- Her
- suffering
- is
- all
- encompassing,
- and
- it
- makes
- her
- noticeable.
- She
- stands
- out
- in
- a
- crowd
- because
- she
- appears
- to
- be
- so
- different
- from
- vigorous,
- strong,
- and
- able-bodied
- people.
- Her
- life
- presents
- us
- with
- many
- stark
- disparities
- and
- vivid
- differences
- when
- seen
- through
- the
- eyes
- of
- regular
- folks
- around her.