Into Shadow: A Poetic Exploration of Personal Fears
Monica Valentinelli
- Written
- by
- Monica
- Valentinelli,
- into
- shadow:
- a
- poetic
- exploration
- of
- personal
- fears
- is
- the
- author's
- debut
- collection
- of
- twenty-one
- poems.
- The
- collection's
- theme
- is
- broken
- into
- three
- books
- inspired
- by
- parts
- of
- the
- shadow:
- the
- umbra,
- penumbra,
- and
- antumbra.
- The
- fears
- presented
- run
- the
- gamut
- between
- surface-deep
- and
- existential.
- As
- such,
- some
- readers
- may
- be
- uncomfortable
- with
- light
- swearing
- and
- unsettling
- imagery.In
- book
- one:
- umbra,
- twenty-one
- original
- poems
- expose
- the
- author’s
- shadow.
- Notes
- and
- references
- for
- each
- poem
- follows
- in
- book
- two:
- penumbra,
- naming
- her
- fears
- and
- how
- she
- tackled
- them.
- Lastly,
- in
- book
- three:
- antumbra,
- the
- original
- drafts
- of
- each
- poem—including
- improper
- punctuation
- and
- sloppy
- word
- choices—are
- reprinted
- in
- their
- entirety,
- extending
- well
- beyond
- the
- umbra.For
- more
- about
- the
- author,
- visit