The Beautiful Letdown - Eyes Wide Open
Mugabe Ratshikuni
Have we as South Africans been let down since democracy in 1994? Throughout this book, the author questions and seeks to provide solutions to many big questions. Topics include:
Land dispossession and land reform
Black business and economic transformation
The state and development
Democracy and society
Cadre deployment and the South African state
State capture
A collection of contemplative and thought-provoking pieces critically looking at contemporary South African issues from both a local and global perspective.
Insightful and provocative collection of opinion pieces and essays that leave one with more questions and a desire to contribute to the public discourse and to the resolution of our manifold problems as a nation.
Sharp, analytic, incisive writing that uses the Socratic Method of knowledge acquisition to try and answer some of the most probing questions and challenges that we are faced with as a country.