The freedom to be your true, authentic self: how cool is that? Not to worry what people think of you, not to worry what people expect of you is worth a lot. What’s it worth to you?
As an example, scan the magazines at the grocery checkout. How many titles to you see reading “X Ways to Make Him Purr in Bed”, “The First Ever Plus Size Supermodel”, “X Ways to Have a Bikini Body” and so forth. How many times do you read that if you don’t look like skinny supermodels, then you won’t belong? How many times have you inferred that being you isn’t good enough?
Who are “they” to tell you that you don’t measure up? Why do “they” get to tell you anything at all? Wouldn’t it feel righteous to tell “them” to get lost? Guess what? This eBook will show you not only why what other people think doesn’t matter; it will show you why you are good enough. It will show you how to find your authentic self, what true freedom looks like and how to Own It!