The Bhagawan Uvacha series brings to devotees the world over, a compilation of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings in the form of quotations, skilfully compiled and woven together by Shri. N. S. Venkatesh, the compiler. In this book in the series, My Dear Ones, Shri. Venkatesh says,
"This compilation is a tribute to the love of Bhagawan for His devotees. It is filled with Swami’s reassuring words, affirming His constant presence by our side at all times. The first part of this book comprises revelations made by Swami on Himself. The second encapsulates, in the Lord’s own words, the beautiful relationship we share with Him. This would be a source of great inspiration to all His children all over the world. All that one has to do is to flip open any page and listen to His voice..."