The Bhagawan Uvacha series brings to devotees the world over, a compilation of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings in the form of quotations, skilfully compiled and woven together by Shri. N. S. Venkatesh, the compiler.
In this book in the series, Only Love, Shri. Venkatesh says, "Love is a very special word. Much spoken of and sadly much misunderstood. Bhagawan speaks of love through images... a sandalwood tree that gives fragrance to the axe that chops it down, a mother whose life holds no value before the life of her little one. Love is all about selfless living, holding nothing back, and giving oneself away completely. How are we to comprehend this divine trait that proverbially ‘makes the world go round’? If love could speak, what would it say? Listen to Bhagawan, love personified, as He speaks in the next few pages..."