The Mentor: A Sweet Novella


Jason doesn't buy into Los Angeles hype and vanity. He is actually really content living the everyday average lifestyle, even though he wouldn't consider himself "average." His days are spent eating cheap food, acquiring street smart skills, and chilling with his legit Mentor, Ivan. Ivan befriends Jason at Cafe Banahana, and is intrigued by his unglamorous passion and unconventional ways of thinking.

Jason finds out that Ivan is arrogant, grumpy, and very old-fashioned in his thinking. But he finds the time to mingle with him over a cup of coffee and pastries in the evenings at Cafe Banahana. Jason talks about his business ideas, the woman he is trying to “woo”, and the other fun topics grown old men talk a about next to their old school Chevys.

In The Mentor, Nabil Gulamani’s intriguing, unique, and charismatic characters teach the world that everyone has desperate, big goals in life. But without the interdependent relationships with the surrounding environment of “very rad” individuals, nothing can be accomplished in the planet.

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