The Aztec Princess and the Warrior


Both are separated by their social circumstances: she lives in a palace that has its own private zoo, while Huemac, is an aspiring jaguar warrior. As for the Emperor, Montezuma II, he is worried as it has been predicted that in the year of the first reed, 'Quetzalcoatl,' the feathered serpent, would return as a bearded white man. That man turns out to be Cortes and the Spanish are hungry for all things gold. When Cortes leaves Pedrode in charge to attend another matter, the Spanish then plunder the city of its wealth, desecrating the temples and killing Aztecs. Can they survive the war and disease that spreads its germs all over the Empire? Furthermore, when the volcano erupts, will the Aztec's Empire crumble into the bloodied soil it has built its empire on?

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