The Age of Influence
The Power of Influencers to Elevate Your Brand
Neal Schaffer
- The
- Age
- of
- Influence
- is
- an
- essential
- guide
- for
- marketing
- professionals
- and
- business
- owners
- who
- want
- to
- create
- and
- implement
- a
- highly
- effective,
- sustainable
- influencer
- marketing
- plan
- in
- order
- for
- their
- brands
- to
- succeed.We
- are
- amid
- an
- unprecedented
- digital
- transformation
- and
- tapping
- into
- this
- change
- is
- vital
- to
- any
- brand
- in
- today’s
- climate.
- Social
- media
- has
- democratized
- authority
- and
- influence,
- and
- information
- is
- created
- and
- consumed
- in
- ways
- that
- are
- constantly
- evolving.Internationally-recognized
- social
- media
- marketing
- expert
- Neal
- Schaffer
- explains
- how
- that
- shift
- plays
- a
- significant
- role
- in
- online
- marketing
- in
- the
- Influencer
- Era.
- Influencer
- marketing
- is
- about
- establishing
- relationships,
- turning
- fans
- into
- influencers,
- and
- leveraging
- that
- influence
- to
- share
- your
- message
- in
- a
- credible
- and
- authentic
- way.In
- The
- Age
- of
- Influence,
- Schaffer
- teaches
- entrepreneurs,
- marketing
- executives,
- and
- cutting-edge
- agencies
- how
- to:This
- book
- is
- the
- definitive
- guide
- to
- addressing
- the
- issues
- disrupting
- marketing
- trends,
- including
- declining
- television
- viewership,
- growing
- social
- media
- audiences,
- effectively
- spreading
- their
- message
- digitally,
- and
- increasing
- usage
- of
- ad-blocking technology.
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