Success Buttons to Academic Excellence is an illuminating, easy-to-read and highly effective book.
How did a man whose teacher in Munich wrote in his school report, “You will never amount to anything much” become the world’s most brilliant chap and the greatest genius that have ever lived on the surface of the earth?
How did a mediocre like me who is the eleventh child of uneducated parents and went to a village school transform himself into a known author and motivational speaker with at least 15 best-selling books to his record?
How did a young boy who walked from his tribal village of Tumbuka in Nyasaland (now Malawi) to Khartoum, Sudan, a distance of 3,200 kilometres, seeking opportunities for further education become a professor of political science at Cambridge University in England and a widely respected author?
You will find the answers to these questions in the pages of this book. It is all about SUCCESS BUTTONS. Once you can locate the right buttons to your academic excellence, you are on your way to your enviable greatness.
Are you struggling to have academic excellence?
If you can read only one book for a change this year, you have it in your hands. Yes! Within minutes of reading this book, you will want and be able to apply its effective success buttons for your academic excellence.