Have You Met Nora?
Nicole Blades
- She’s
- blossomed
- from
- a
- wealthy
- surgeon’s
- beautiful
- daughter
- to
- elegant
- socialite
- to
- being
- the
- top
- fashion
- stylist
- in
- the
- country.
- And
- Nora
- Mackenzie
- is
- only
- days
- away
- from
- marrying
- into
- one
- of
- New
- York’s
- richest,
- most
- powerful
- families.
- But
- her
- fairy
- tale
- rise
- is
- rooted
- in
- an
- incredible
- deception—one
- scandal
- away
- from
- turning
- her
- perfect
- world
- to
- ashes
- .
- .
- .What
- no
- one
- knows
- is
- that
- Nora
- is
- the
- biracial
- daughter
- of
- a
- Caribbean
- woman
- and
- a
- long-gone
- white
- father.
- Adopted—and
- abused—by
- her
- mother’s
- employer,
- then
- sent
- to
- an
- exclusive
- boarding
- school
- to
- buy
- her
- silence,
- Nora
- found
- that
- “passing”
- as
- a
- white
- woman
- could
- give
- her
- everything
- she
- never
- had.Now,
- an
- ex-classmate
- who
- Nora
- betrayed
- many
- years
- ago
- has
- returned
- to
- her
- life
- to
- even
- the
- score.
- Her
- machinations
- are
- turning
- Nora’s
- privilege
- into
- one
- gilded
- trap
- after
- another.
- Running
- out
- of
- choices,
- Nora
- must
- decide
- how
- far
- she
- will
- go
- to
- protect
- a
- lie
- or
- give
- up
- and
- finally
- face
- the
- truth.
- Praise
- for
- Have
- You
- Met
- Nora?“Nora
- is
- tender,
- courageous,
- and
- beautifully
- flawed.”
- Noonan,
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author“A
- winding
- story
- full
- of
- secrets,
- betrayal,
- revenge,
- and
- love.”
- Olsen,
- author
- of
- The
- Girl
- Before“Blades
- has
- created
- a
- heroine
- both
- honorable
- and
- deceptive,
- both
- vulnerable
- and
- powerful,
- a
- heroine
- whose
- choices
- are
- at
- times
- shocking
- but
- arguably
- necessary.”
- Chamberlin,
- author
- of
- The
- Season
- of
- Us**“This
- is
- a
- deft
- and
- searing
- commentary
- on
- identity
- and
- race.”
- —Taylor
- Jenkins
- Reid,
- author
- of
- The
- Seven
- Husbands
- of
- Evelyn Hugo
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