Every Friday Night
Nicole Stacy
- Senior
- Year
- -
- that
- final
- push
- before
- you
- enter
- true
- "adulthood".
- Loren
- and
- her
- cousin
- slash
- best
- friend
- Kimberleigh
- thought
- they
- had
- their
- plains
- laid
- out
- before
- them
- for
- years.
- Their
- best
- friend
- Brady
- had
- as
- well.
- But
- when
- Brady's
- stepbrother,
- Nathan,
- arrives
- -
- all
- bets
- are
- off.
- Can
- the
- self-proclaimed
- "Three
- Musketeers"
- survive
- becoming
- a quartet?
pro-mbooks3 : libris