Nooshin Mehrabani, the author of this book is a native of Iran. The author takes the readers through a guided tour of her life – her happy moments and travails seem to go hand-in-hand. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has been her Guru and God, guiding her through every moment of her life. Many miraculous events happen in her life, when she feels the unseen hand of Bhagawan guiding her convincingly and continuously. She finds answers to knotty, gnarled problems by Bhagawan's grace. The compassionate Lord also grants her many interviews, guiding her life through a safe passage, ultimately leading her to settle at Prasanthi Nilayam.
This book will serve as a motivating factor for both newcomers and old-timers in Bhagawan's fold, to hold on to His feet through the thick and thin of life and reach the ultimate goal of life, namely liberation.