In the eerie town of Eldridge Hollow, a forgotten Victorian house hides dark secrets, and at its heart lies an ancient doll with a haunting past. When young Lily stumbles upon this cursed porcelain figure, she unknowingly awakens a malevolent spirit that craves companionship. As strange occurrences plague her life, Lily must unravel the tragic story of the doll's last owner—a girl who vanished under mysterious circumstances.
With each chapter, the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, leading Lily deeper into a web of fear, friendship, and the unknown. Can she confront the darkness that haunts her and find a way to break the curse, or will she become another victim of the forgotten doll?
The Forgotten Doll is a spine-chilling tale that explores the themes of loneliness, bravery, and the power of love in the face of evil. Perfect for fans of horror and supernatural fiction, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.