Hello, New Ukraine! or Big Offence of little putin


An account of the Kyiv Maidan, covering the period from November 2013 to February 2014, by Oleg Balan – eyewitness and participant of those events, was addressed to his work partner in Germany. This document today surprisingly answers the question that lost in conjectures civilized world is asking Ukraine about the full-scale war unleashed against her by Russia on February 24, 2022: how could this terrible and yet senseless war happen, what are its real reasons? The answer is surprising, shocking: the whole world is being pushed to the edge of an abyss today by one big grudge of one little man, a grudge against Ukraine that gave him a slap in the face, first in 2004 and then in 2014. This story is written emotionally, it is full of details provided by the attentive observer, and contains little known to a foreign reader facts about Ukraine's history. The author's photographs complement the content. The following material was written in 2014 and is presented without corrections or amendments to the text. This publication is intended for anyone interested in modern history.

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