Finding My Self

The House of Romance

Reeks: The House of Romance


“Dear Olivia, what a great romance story. I was young, inexperienced and confused myself about my sexuality. How to dress, how to walk, who to talk to, and yes, my family. How do I deal with my family that had one idea of what I should be and the idea that I felt deep down inside of myself. This love story had me crying more than once and I could relate to each and every detail. Please keep writing.” Love, Hannah, Chico, CA

“Olivia, all I can say is Smashing. This story was a killer. You just nailed all of the important parts of my life and brought me to tears with the touching ending. You had me thinking deep and feeling even deeper with your journey through this first time lesbian romance story or adventure. And the love scenes, WOW! I felt like I was there.” Ellie, Reno, NV

“What a wonderful trip it was I took with you in this love story. And what an ending. I had no idea what was going to happen. And, unlike most of the movies, television shows and books that I have experienced, this adventure was totally unpredictable. The main character Venny was so adorable and pure and thought provoking that she touched my heart with her sensitivity. Thank you Olivia Hampshire. I love your mind.” Kaylee, Springfield, OR

“Simply the best. I almost went to a movie, and then I was browsing Amazon and came across this book. There was something about the cover and the title that just told me to download it and then read it on the weekend maybe. The title “Finding My Self,” made me think of me and decisions I had to make about my sexuality at a real turning point in my life. Something made me begin to read the book before I was supposed to go to the movies with my friends and once I started reading, I just could not stop. I had to call my friends and tell them I was busy. This story really touched me. Great characters. I´m giving this book to all of my friends.” Serenity, Redding, CA

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