Druid Ancestry
Lyons Gate, #1
Reeks: Lyons Gate
Ophelia Kee
- Druid
- AncestryLyons
- Gate
- Volume
- 1A
- Dark
- and
- Twisted,
- Ancient
- AffairLazlo
- Greyson
- is
- a
- wealthy
- and
- sole
- heir
- to
- a
- lineage
- of
- Gaelic
- kings.
- Tired
- of
- shallow
- relationships
- with
- opportunistic
- socialites
- and
- fleeting
- encounters,
- Lazlo
- yearned
- for
- a
- deeper
- connection
- in
- his
- life.
- Enter
- Peter
- Elliot,
- a
- dubious
- character
- who
- had
- a
- reputation
- for
- trouble.
- Despite
- his
- reservations,
- Lazlo
- found
- himself
- ensnared
- by
- Elliot's
- nefarious
- offer.Elliot
- arranged
- a
- shady
- meeting
- between
- Lazlo
- and
- Soraya
- Heffernon,
- an
- enchanting
- young
- woman
- who
- possessed
- an
- intriguing
- background
- as
- a
- trained
- orphan.
- With
- her
- captivating
- charm
- and
- undeniable
- allure,
- Soraya
- entrances
- Lazlo
- and
- all
- thoughts
- of
- steering
- clear
- of
- Elliot
- evaporate.Soraya
- Heffernon
- lived
- at
- a
- boarding
- school
- for
- girls
- selected
- by
- Elliot
- for
- his
- experimental
- medical
- procedures.
- He
- sold
- those
- who
- failed
- his
- test
- to
- the
- highest
- bidders.
- Soraya's
- one
- chance
- to
- escape
- a
- sinister
- future
- lay
- in
- securing
- a
- wealthy
- sponsor.
- When
- Lazlo
- walks
- into
- her
- life,
- she
- must
- make
- a
- dangerous
- decision.
- Either
- stay
- and
- confront
- a
- black
- future
- or
- gamble
- everything
- by
- departing
- with
- a
- charming,
- affluent
- stranger
- whose
- hidden
- motives
- might
- not
- bring
- the
- salvation
- she
- hoped
- for.Druid
- Ancestry
- is
- the
- first
- volume
- in
- the
- dark
- urban
- fantasy
- miniseries,
- Lyons
- Gate.
- Set
- in
- the
- dream,
- this
- spinoff
- story
- from
- the
- Draoithe
- Saga
- tells
- the
- tale
- of
- a
- twisted
- druid
- king
- and
- his
- chance
- encounter
- with
- a
- little
- demon.
- Powerful
- magical
- forces
- and
- an
- ancient
- unknown
- prophecy
- conspire
- to
- grant
- a
- lonely
- man's
- desire
- and
- an
- orphan
- girl's
- hope.It's
- not
- simply
- a
- story;
- it's
- an
- experience.
- Welcome
- to
- the
- dream…Dark
- Urban
- Fantasy
- with
- Steamy
- Paranormal
- Romance
- Fated
- Mates
- 18+
- HEA!
- NC!***Warning:
- Adult
- Themes,
- Fantasy
- Violence,
- and/or
- Explicit
- Sexual
- Situations.
- Intended
- for
- a
- Mature Audience.
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