You Are Not His Priority
Ophelia Myall
- In
- a
- small
- town,
- thousands
- of
- miles
- away
- from
- home,
- Olivia
- found
- herself
- abandoned
- by
- someone
- whom
- she
- thought
- loved
- her.
- As
- she
- pondered
- the
- actions
- of
- her
- "friend"
- Knight,
- she
- felt
- her
- heart
- shattered
- into
- a
- million
- pieces.It
- was
- as
- if
- someone
- had
- stabbed
- her
- in
- the
- chest..
- Was
- she
- prepared
- to
- walk
- away
- with
- some
- lessons
- from
- this experience?
pro-mbooks3 : libris