The All Souls’ Waiting Room: A Black Comedy
P. A. Ker
- Why
- would
- a
- gorgeous,
- smart-mouthed,
- eighteen-year-old
- girl
- named
- Johnnine
- Hapgood
- --
- raised
- by
- free-loving
- followers
- of
- the
- controversial
- psychoanalyst
- Wilhelm
- Reich
- (inventor
- of
- the
- orgone
- energy
- accumulator,
- the
- cloud-buster
- and
- a
- stolen
- orgone
- energy
- motor)
- --
- try
- to
- kill
- herself?
- What
- lessons
- does
- she
- have
- to
- learn
- about
- karma
- and
- reincarnation?
- And
- what
- are
- the
- consequences
- of suicide?