The Hooligans
A Novel
Reeks: P. T. Deutermann WWII Novels
P. T. Deutermann
- A
- gripping
- and
- authentic
- World
- War
- II
- naval
- adventure
- by
- a
- master
- storytellerThe
- Hooligans
- fictionalizes
- the
- little-known
- but
- remarkable
- exploits
- of
- “The
- Hooligan
- Navy”
- that
- fought
- in
- the
- Pacific
- theatre
- of
- World
- War
- II.
- Loosely-organized
- in
- fast
- moving
- squadrons,
- PT
- (patrol
- torpedo)
- boats
- were
- the
- pesky
- nemesis
- of
- the
- formidable
- Japanese
- navy,
- dubbed
- “the
- mosquito
- fleet”
- and
- “devil
- boats”
- for
- their
- daring
- raids
- against
- warships,
- tankers,
- and
- transport
- ships.After
- the
- Pearl
- Harbor
- raid
- plunges
- America
- into
- war,
- young
- surgical
- resident
- Lincoln
- Anderson
- enlists
- in
- the
- Navy
- medical
- corps.
- His
- first
- deployment
- comes
- in
- August
- 1942
- at
- Guadalcanal,
- when
- after
- a
- brutal
- sea
- battle
- and
- the
- landing
- of
- Marines
- on
- the
- island,
- Anderson
- finds
- himself
- triaging
- hundreds
- of
- casualties
- under
- relentless
- Japanese
- air
- and
- land
- attacks.But
- with
- the
- navy
- short
- of
- doctors,
- soon
- Anderson
- is
- transferred
- to
- serve
- aboard
- a
- PT
- boat.
- From
- Guadalcanal
- to
- the
- Solomon
- Islands
- to
- the
- climactic,
- tide-turning
- battle
- of
- Leyte
- Gulf,
- Anderson
- and
- the
- crew
- members
- of
- his
- boat
- confront
- submarines
- and
- surface
- ships,
- are
- attacked
- from
- air
- by
- the
- dreaded
- Kawanishi
- flying
- boats,
- and
- hunted
- by
- destroyers.
- In
- the
- end,
- Anderson
- must
- lead
- a
- division
- of
- boats
- in
- a
- seemingly-impossible
- mission
- against
- a
- Japanese
- battleship
- formation—and
- learn
- the
- true
- nature
- of
- his
- character.Informed
- by
- P.
- T.
- Deutermann’s
- own
- experience
- as
- a
- commander
- of
- a
- patrol
- gunboat
- in
- Vietnam,
- The
- Hooligans
- is
- first-rate
- military
- adventure fiction.
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